vibration analysis


detecting faults ‘on the run’

A good vibration analysis system allows the detection of machine faults ‘on the run’ in a non-intrusive way, using analysis of vibration frequencies and trending of data . This information is gathered at routine intervals and compiled into a clear and concise report for maintenance staff. It gives insight into their machines health and performance, and allows for any required service work to be planned well ahead of any breakdown, with the necessary spares and resources required on-hand.

This gives the confidence that you are not going to experience any surprise failures; in turn saving you from production downtime, allowing for smarter maintenance, protecting your assets from serious harm, and - best of all - at lower operating costs.

Our analysts are highly experienced, well respected within the industry, and work with the latest technology. We have trained technicians from level VCAT 1 to VCAT 3, along with technicians that have 30 years plus experience in engineering and machine dynamics.